Posts tagged ‘square’

Cornwall ….. in Squares

From Praa Sands looking east towards Rinsey Head

It’s many years since I last visited the far west tip of Cornwall, in fact it would have been long before my interest in photography was ignited, so a return to this area back in March was long overdue. Well known for its spectacular coastline, delightful and picturesque fishing villages, all enhanced of course by the wonderful light, which has been the draw of so many artists. It’s a special but very popular location.

The remains of a dead tree at Praa Sands

If asked to choose my preferred aspect ratio, I would have to say 1:1, or a square crop, so for this entry, I have selected a number of square images, which I think work well as compositions.

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Bosham……Before and After in Capture One Pro

The new split screen view ‘Before and After’ view In Capture One Pro

Today Capture One Pro launched a free and very worthwhile upgrade to their editing software. There are a number of enhancements, bug fixes, support for new cameras etc, but in terms of the user experience there are two significant changes which I thought I would try out for myself.

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