Posts tagged ‘reflection’

Exhibition layout – now it’s getting serious

In about 11 weeks time, The Image Circle group exhibition will be opening The Oxmarket doors to the public. On the 14th November to be precise. Between now and then the six members of the group will be making their final selection as to what to display, organise matting and framing, choosing titles and of course promoting the event. It would be a pity to go to all this work if no one turns up!

Chichester Harbour Project-63

Harbour Reflections, Prinsted

I can only speak for myself but as I will be presenting a body of work on Chichester Harbour, as opposed to a selection of individual images or smaller collections of photographs, the overall layout of the panel is of particular importance to me.

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Don’t bring your own food and drink in here!

Window Sign

Dereliction, rust, peeling paintwork, missing panes of glass etc, all appeal to photographers, so we are inevitably drawn to buildings which have these traits. The bonus comes when you find a sign which enhances the image and the viewer starts to question what the story is behind the picture.

This establishment shows no other signs of ever having been a place where you could buy food and drink, let alone consume it, so I can only hope that the owner of this building was simply demonstrating the fact that he had a good sense of humour when he placed this notice in the window.

Llynnau Mymbyr, Snowdonia – another one from the archives


A few days ago I posted an image taken back in 2015 during a trip to Snowdonia in Wales, which I had not processed or shared before. Whilst searching the Snowdonia folder in Lightroom I also came across this picture. This shot of the Snowdon Horseshoe was taken looking down a lake called Llynnau Mymbyr. The obvious appeal to this image is the early morning mist hanging in wait for the sun to rise and its reflection in the calm waters of the lake. I clearly remember this scene and can recall that within a few minutes the mist had been burnt away and the very reason for taking the photograph in the first place had disappeared.

Shelter in Piddle Wood

Woodland shelter

Woodland shelter


When I am out walking in the countryside I always hope to stumble across something which catches my eye and in my view is worth photographing. I always seem to struggle in woodland areas but when I saw this dilapidated woodman’s hut made of corrugated iron it caught my attention.

The scene itself was made more interesting by virtue of the large puddle of water which provided some reflections, not only of the shelter but also the spindly trees. The line of stones gave me a good lead in to the hut and I like the overhanging branch which helps to frame the main subject of interest.

Yes, the hut has seen better days and I would guess has not had a particular purpose in life for quite some time, but photographically speaking this is what makes it all the more interesting – well it does to me anyway.

Snowdonia – It’s all about the light

Llyn Dinas

Llyn Dinas

I have just returned home from Snowdonia in Wales, having been on an excellent, inspiring and very enjoyable workshop lead by Andy Beel FRPS and David Mills FRPS, together with three other participants.

The workshop was called – ‘It’s all about the light’ and it couldn’t have been a more apt description. We we were incredibly fortunate with the weather. Apart from some overnight rain we were out and about all week, stayed dry, and towards the end of the week it was quite simply wall to wall sunshine; not a cloud in the sky and very mild given the time of the year. This did mean that occassionally we had to work in high contrast conditions, which is not always ideal for photography, but my philosophy is that you make the best of what you are given, and who could complain when you are surrounded by such a truly beautiful landscape.

Selection and post processing of the best images now begins, but this may run for many weeks and probably months, given that I only have a limited amount of time to sit in front of a computer screen. As we discussed on the workshop it can be a good thing to give this time, and come back to the images later when you may see things differently. That’s not usually my style but with so many images to consider, it may have to be this way out of necessity and not out of choice.

For the time being here is one image taken by the shore of Llyn Dinas.

Do click on the image to view a larger version.