Posts from the ‘Goodwood Revival’ category

Car details in mono at The Goodwood Revival



This selection of six images were taken at The Goodwood Revival earlier this month. I am fortunate to have been to this event on numerous occasions, but in the past the photographs I have taken of these stunning racing cars have largely been from a trackside position and panning with a long lens. Countless images of this type must be taken every year and whilst some can make good action shots, I wanted to get much closer, capturing the wonderful detail and craftsmanship of these fine machines.




In all these shots I have used a wide aperture, giving me a shallow depth of field. The eye is drawn to one particular detail, and whilst other elements are out of focus, they are still important to the overall composition. The conversion to monochrome and the use of high contrast impart a graphic feel and I would like to think the outcome is a more artistic approach to the making of the image. After all these great cars are works of art in their own right and need to be appreciated for their flowing lines, hand crafted detailing, all mixed in with a feeling of raw power.










I have done something differently in this entry by using all six thumbnails to create the featured image. Whether this works or not, I don’t know but the idea is to whet the appetite, and encourage readers to view the whole entry. However to really appreciate each shot, you need to click on a picture to see a larger version, which will open in a new window.


More people at the Goodwood Revival



A couple of days ago I posted an entry with the first selection of people shots taken last weekend at the Goodwood Revival. You can read that post by clicking here.

This second set includes another eight images which I hope you will enjoy. They all try and capture something of the party atmosphere which descends upon Goodwood Motor Circuit every September.




The girls from St Trinian’s School were very much in evidence this year. Originally a cartoon strip created by Ronald Searle in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, he wrote a number of books and in the 1950’s some films were made which featured Alastair Sim (in drag) cast as the headmistress. Great fun.




A more serious moment as two ‘cleaning ladies’ listen to The Earl of March making a presentation to David Brabham the youngest son of the late great Sir Jack Brabham. A picture of the presentation can be seen below.




All over the motor circuit, stalls and shops authentically replicate the feel and times of the post war era. This shot below of ‘The Old Bicycle Company’ was typical of what can be seen.




Ladies don’t often wear hats these days, so there is always the concern as to whether or not it’s still in place and hasn’t shifted in the breeze.




Another ‘underground’ shot, this time of a young lady framed by two film posters – ‘North by Northwest’ by Alfred Hitchcock and ‘Jailhouse Rock’ starring the one and only Elvis Presley.




An England football fan tries to take my photograph with her old camera, while I try and take a picture of her and her friend, with mine. Somehow I think she forgot to load any film but you never can be sure!




I have written about the Goodwood Revival on previous occasions and there are links below if you are interested.


The Silver Arrows at the Goodwood Revival Meeting

The Characters of the Goodwood Revival Meeting

Goodwood Revival Meeting – the last entry


Goodwood Revival – the cars and the people


People at the Goodwood Revival 


There is also a Gallery page featuring the Goodwood Revival, and you can see that page by clicking here.

Do click on any of the images in this post to see a larger version which will open in a new window.

People at the Goodwood Revival



Each year the Goodwood Revival has a theme and this year was no exception. As you entered the circuit, a group of rowdy football fans could be heard shouting “C’mon England” whilst waving scarves and banners. Wind the clock back fifty years and The Revival was celebrating England winning the World Cup against Germany.




Whether it’s the people, the cars, the planes or the many stands, there is just so much to see and enjoy. It’s like one big fancy dress party with the majority of people wearing clothes from the 1940’s, 50’s or 60’s. Quite frankly there is no other event like it in the world today.




I have photographed this policeman and his wonderful vintage bicycle before and it was good to see him again. That’s the beauty of this event – you very often bump into the same people and they are always happy to stop and have a chat.




I couldn’t resist taking a picture of this young lady astride a Harley Davidson, although quite what the ape was doing in the background I’m not sure!






On the other side of the road from the circuit there are yet more stands, a huge marquee which stages the Bonhams Auction of cars and memorabilia, and a fairground.




As always the Glamcab girls were there, always ready to smile and pose for the cameras.



I will be posting a further selection of pictures very soon. In the meantime do click on any of these images to see a larger version.

For anyone interested, all these photgraphs were taken with a Leica M9-P, imported into Lightroom and then converted into monochrome using Silver Efex Pro 2.

Goodwood Revival – a new gallery page

I have just added a new gallery to this site which features 35 images of this world famous annual event – to see this collection of photographs just click on this link – Goodwood Revival Gallery Page

I have been going to The Goodwood Revival for more years than I care to mention, but it was only in 2012 and 2014 that I decided to concentrate on just taking photographs and not spend quite so much time watching the racing itself. My main aim was to try and capture the wonderful atmosphere of what is really the biggest fancy dress party in the world. All mixed with the sights, sounds, smells and pure glamour of a motor sport from by gone era.

To give you a flavour of the collection I have included a small selection of photographs in this post but to see the complete gallery please click here.







I do hope you will take some time to visit this gallery and if you do, please click on the thumbnails and view a larger version of each image.

Below are links to previous entries which relate to the Goodwood Revival Meeting.


The Silver Arrows at the Goodwood Revival Meeting

The Characters of the Goodwood Revival Meeting

Goodwood Revival Meeting – the last entry


Goodwood Revival – the cars and the people

Goodwood Revival – the cars and the people

Jaguar C Type

For many years I have been to the Goodwood Revival – a wonderful annual event, staged over three days in the middle of September. It’s pure theatre, from the cars, to the racing and of course the people, the vast majority of which enter into the spirit of the occasion and dress in clothes appropriate for the post war era.

Trying to select what to photograph and what not to, is far from easy, as there is something of interest round every corner or should I say bend.

All the photographs were taken with the Leica M Monochrom and 50mm f1.4, Summilux lens. Restricting myself to one camera and one lens, is not inhibiting. If anything it allows me to concentrate far more on the subject and not be distracted by the question ‘which lens shall I use?’ In the short time I have been using the Monochrom, I have been forced to slow down, really consider what I am doing and what camera settings are required to give me the ‘look’ I am wanting. As a consequence I took far fewer photographs than I would have done in the past. The photographic experience is very different to any other camera I have ever used and I think it will be sometime before I feel at ease using a rangefinder.

I so enjoy working on the files from the Monochrom in post processing. The screen on the back of the camera does not do justice to the image, to the contrary it’s so poor it’s hardly worth looking at. Fine for a quick check for composition and exposure, using either the histogram or highlights and shadows warning, but not much else. Back at home the sheer pleasure of downloading the files in all their glory is well worth waiting for.

Enough about the equipment, here is a selection of photographs from the Goodwood Revival.

Firstly the machines which is what draws the crowds in the first place.

Starting Grid - Goodwood Revival
Starting Grid  
In Admiration
In Admiration – of a Blower Bentley
Icon of British Cinema.
An icon of British Cinema – James Bond’s Aston Martin DB5
Jaguar XK 140 - Goodwood Revival
Jaguar XK 140
Wing mirror - Goodwood Revival
Wing mirror
Helmet, gloves and scarf - Goodwood Revival
Helmet, gloves and scarf
VIP's Only - Goodwood Revival
VIP’s Only

  And now for the people.

The Gent - Goodwood Revival
The Gent
Glamcab Taxi Girls - Goodwood Revival
Glam Cab Taxi Girls
Stolen milk bottle - Goodwood Revival
Stolen Milk Bottle
1960's girls - Goodwood Revival
1960’s Girls

It’s only two weeks since the Revival and already I am looking forward to next year’s event. I hope you can see why.